Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Good Friday morning!

The Gallery Pics are of my Epic Fall Front Porch Decorations... still a work in progress. Be patient. It's going to get better... I hope.

RANDOMNESS #1 - Fun fact for you... I like a funny church sign. Humor gets my attention 100 percent of the time. Here are a few of my favorites.

Walmart is not the only saving place.

Free coffee... Everlasting life... Yes. Membership has its privileges.

Forgive your enemies... It messes with their heads.

Be ye fishers of men. You catch them, He'll clean them!

Can't sleep? Come hear a sermon.

Church parking only. Violators will be baptized.

For heaven's sake! What on earth are you doing? (I really like this one.)

FREE bread and juice inside! (A preschooler's Mom dream come true.)

RANDOMNESS #2 - A Josh Story - I pulled another story from the archives. This anecdote is from 18 months ago... but I remember it like it was YESTERDAY!

Last night, Josh took a date home. (Remember... 18 months ago.) I prayed and prayed. I received a call from Josh asking if he could stay a little longer to study Chemistry (the school kind), and Mike and I said, "Yes. But only until 9:30, and then you need to head home to study for your other exams as well." Agreed.

At 9:37 I receive the following phone call. "Hi, Mom. It's me... Josh."

"Yes. I recognize the voice," I replied uber calmly.

"Yeah. Well. I'm kind of in a ditch," he said. He was uber calm, too.

"What exactly does that mean?" I asked.

"I'm not really sure it's a ditch. I can't back out and I can't go forward. I'm sort of stuck."

"Did you run off the road?" I was trying to get a clear picture in my head.

"No. Nothing like that. I'm not exactly sure what happened."

"Did you have a wreck? Were you going too fast? Did you lose control of the car?" I still wasn't getting a good picture, you see.

"No. I'm on a curve and my tire went off the road a little and now I'm stuck. I was going the speed limit. I promise."

"Okay. Your dad and your brother will be there in a few minutes." I quickly explained the situation to Mike and Austin, and since they had gotten our neighbor out of the mud and muck the night before, they had all of the supplies ready to go... rope, boards, muddy clothes, etc.

Just as they were about to leave on their rescue mission, I received another call.

"Hey. I'm out."

"What does that mean?" And why do I not understand what my kids tell me 99 percent of the time?

"It means I put on the emergency brake, gunned it, popped the emergency brake off and shot out of the mud... and I'm on my way home."

Now there were several words and/or phrases I didn't like in that last sentence... "gunned it," "popped," and "shot out of." But I will say the end result was very, very good.

When he arrived home, Mike, Austin and I were standing in the front door, arms crossed and waiting. Grinning sheepishly, he said, "It's been a pretty eventful night, huh?" And with that he patted Mike and Austin's shoulders, gave me a hug and a kiss, and went upstairs to study.

Mike looked at me and without speaking any words I knew what he was thinking... "And you wanted four!"

Weekend Happenings

It's a birthday weekend, so any and all activities will be revolving around Josh. (Roxie isn't happy about this, but she is going to have to adjust!)

I have a special surprise for him tomorrow night, and, of course, the family party (cake, gifts, etc., etc.) Sunday afternoon.

He has requested warm pound cake and vanilla ice cream... again. And when I say "warm pound cake," that means Josh wants me to be pulling it out of the oven just as the first guest arrives. He wants it so warm the birthday candles melt all over the top and the Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream turns soupy if you hesitate even 30 seconds before scooping it into your mouth.

Yes. In theory, this sounds wonderful. However, it puts A LOT of added pressure on me, because if something happens and the cake "doesn't work," we are without his 18th birthday cake.

And the Sarah Lee Emergency Cake waiting in the pantry is a poor substitute for the Cream Cheese Pound Cake I have successfully made many times prior to this one occasion.

Wish me luck!

After the party Sunday, we are going to try our #2 Fun Fall Ride in the Big Gold Van. I have a new destination... and hopefully, there will be a little color this week. Don't tell anyone, but I'm packing a cooler of drinks and a ton of Pumpkin Snickerdoodles for everyone to nibble on during the drive. And for Miss Roxie... Nutter Butter cookies. Those are her favorites, and maybe, just maybe she'll be in a better mood this time around.

Have a joyful Friday. (That's my favorite Christmas word, by the way... "joyful.") Spend tons of time with family and friends. Take time to reach out to at least one other person this busy weekend. (And I will attempt to do the same!)

I'll be back Monday morning with pics from our #2 Fun Fall Ride (I hope, I hope), Josh's birthday festivities and a little of this and a little of that.

Take care, and I'll talk to you next week.


The Enchanting Belinda

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