Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Break Dates

Good Thursday morning!

I have some leftover Botanical Garden pics in the Gallery this morning. I know that isn't shocking to anyone out there.

Roxie is attending her Basketball Banquet tonight, so I'm pretty sure I'll have a new bunch of young people photos in the morning. Wish me luck.

RANDOMNESS #1 - My new favorite TV show is The Big Bang Theory. I know what you're thinking. "The Big Bang Theory isn't a realty TV show. What is she doing watching an un-reality TV show?"

Let me just say, I'm just as surprised as you are.

However, Josh and I are watching it together and it is pretty funny. So funny, in fact, my new nickname for my second child is now "Sheldon." Of course, he hates it, but I think it is hilarious... so it's going to stick for awhile!

NOTE - This isn't a young kid show. I don't want you to think I would sit down with my five year-old to watch this show. Nope. Not gonna happen.

I wouldn't sit down and watch this with my pre-teen either. iCarly is perfect for that age (and I LOVE that show).

But Josh and I like this one, and unlike 24, no one gets blown up, run over or killed. (I find that very refreshing!)

Oh. Another reason Josh may not like the nickname "Sheldon" could possibly be because I called him "Jack" the two years we were watching 24.

That's a good nickname!

RANDOMNESS #2 - I have a bunion. On my big toe. I know. I wish there was a way to break it to you more gently, but it is what it is. A giant bunion.

I blame my age (which is 50), and genetics. (My mother has bunions, too.)

For any "bunion-less" people out there, a bunion is when your big toe points toward the second toe. This causes a bump on the outside edge of your toe.

My symptoms are red, calloused skin along the inside edge of the big toe; a gigantic bony bump at this site and pain over the joint.

I have all the symptoms. I have self-diagnosed myself using Dr. Google.

Even though I moisturize my bunion every night with Vanilla/Lavender Lotion, it is still there each and every morning. And it is still very sore. (Obviously, vanilla/lavender lotion is not the cure for gigantic bunions.)

Before actually going to a doctor to get a professional opinion, I have a few more things I want to try.

Compound-W and corn pads (just to name a couple).

I'm sharing this because I want you to know things aren't perfect at Faulkner Farms (circa 1842). No, sir. We have our share of earth-shattering problems.

This week, it is the gigantic bunion.

Blog Linkage - I'm simply going to direct you to two excellent blogs today.

1. Go to Six Sisters' Stuff under My Blog List. Go there every single day. Sometimes they have more than one post per day. And all the posts are very, very good.

2. Go to eighteen25 under My Blog List. You'll need to scroll down PAST the comments and click on "Older Posts" until you come to the one entitled "(birthday week) brown paper packages" dated March 12.

3. After you read this post, click on "Newer Post" (again, under the comments) until you arrive at the post entitled "(birthday week) let's celebrate books" dated March 14.

4. But, wait! There's more. After you read THIS post, click on "Newer Post" one more time. You will see a post entitled "(birthday week) kids' birthday cards" dated March 15.

Today's a "learning" day in Blog Linkage. Enjoy!

Spring Break Dates

Thanks to Birmingham Mom, I'm supplying you with a list of very doable, price-friendly dates to take with your child during Spring Break.

Please pick one (or more) of the following opportunities to "date" your child.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Hikes for the Tikes - Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Children will engage with nature through hands-on biology, storytelling and movement. (Indoor, hands-on activities if the weather is not pleasant.) E-mail events@freshair​ for more information or to register.

This event is FREE!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2:00 p.m. - Ruffner Mountain CSI 101: Critter Scene Investigation

Have you ever dreamed of being a detective? After taking this course, you'll be a true nature investigator. We'll practice looking at nature evidence, including everything from scat, to tracks and broken branches. We will take a walk to search for clues and put our new found skills to work! Students will receive a CSI 101 Certificate after completing this course. The cost is $10 ($7 if you are a member). Reserve your spot at

Monday, March 19, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Pirate Party at McWane

Dress like a pirate and set sail for an educational voyage during the Pirate Party at McWane Science Center. Join our crew as we explore the museum and aquarium on a treasure hunt with fun activities. As you navigate your way through the aquarium, discover an octopus, touch a shark and see a horseshoe crab up close during exciting programs!

The cost is Admission to McWane (FREE for members).

Thursday, March 22, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Tiny Treasures at Oak Mountain State Park

Let's get DIRTY! Come dig in the dirt and turn over rocks to see the tiny creatures of the world. Meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Campground Pavilion (B-Side). This activity is FREE after you pay admission to Oak Mountain State Park ($1 to $3).

Friday, March 23, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Story Day with NeNe at Whole Foods

Join NeNe in the cafe for stories, songs and snacks. This specific event is geared for toddlers... and it is FREE!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - National Geographic Little Explorers at Pottery Barn

Learn about geography and critters with the National Geographic Little Explorers series. There will be hands-on activities, quizzes, songs and more at Pottery Barn. Kids ages 3 and up. The March 24 theme will be "Maps."

Oh, yeah! It's FREE, too!

I would SO do all this stuff if my kiddos were younger. (Call me if you want an extra adult tag-along! I'm pretty low maintenance if you don't count the multiple bathroom breaks! Oh... And I have to regularly moisturize my gigantic bunion. Other than that, I'm a very pleasant "date" companion!)

Have a terribly nice Thursday. I'll be back in the morning with Weekend Happenings, a tentative New Orleans' itinerary (very tentative) and, of course, Banquet pics.

Take care, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


The Enchanting Belinda

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