Thursday, July 28, 2011

Houseboating 101

Good Thursday morning!

Day Three of our Houseboating Adventure fills the Gallery today. I told you I had a ton of pictures. And lucky for you, I'm only sharing one-fourth of them!

ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT! - As I told you yesterday, Wednesday Wisdom and Seasonal Traditions will be posted this SATURDAY, JULY 30. And Blog Linkage and Dates will be posted this SUNDAY, JULY 31. This is totally unheard of around these parts, but it will get A Simple Life back on schedule which, for some reason, is VERY important to me.

Day Three - Houseboating on Lake Lanier

The Top Ten List seems to be working for my brain this week. I'm thinking about everything in terms of Top Ten Lists... Top Ten Things I Want to Accomplish Before School Starts, Top Ten Chores I Need to Finish Within the Hour, Top Ten Reasons I NEED Another Pedicure (Even Though My Current Pedicure is Still Beautiful), and so on, and so on.


1. After our "houseboat boy" drove us out of the marina, we decided to explore Lake Lanier for about an hour. I think it would take days and days to go around the entire lake in a houseboat, but we liked what we saw. Beauty abounds at this Georgia lake.

2. We were all in "chill" mode, so the little ride was enjoyable. Mikie stopped the houseboat in the "middle," and Roxie and Josh jumped off for a little swim. However, for some reason the current was incredibly strong our third day. Roxie held on to the ladder, and when Josh swam out to retrieve a noodle, we were all surprised how far away he was when he turned around to swim back to the boat. Very strong current. Mikie made a captain-like decision to find a cove to see if we would be able to play in the water without being carried a mile or so down river... or down lake? Which is correct?

3. We found a perfect little cove with three or four empty beaches... and no current. We decided to beach the boat for a little while and just swim in the peaceful water. A better decision has yet to be made. Our private little beach and beautiful swimming hole was perfect... for the entire day.

4. Ducks and ducklings were everywhere we went on Lake Lanier, and this little spot was no exception. A mother and her ducklings spent the day with us, and when it looked like they might leave, we quickly and shamelessly fed (Code for BRIBED) them to stay.

5. While the kids napped, sunned and read during a two-hour period in the afternoon, Mikie and I floated in the amazingly clear, cool water until we were "pruney." It was wonderful. (Not the "pruney" part. The two hours alone "talking, floating and talking some more" part.)

6. Again, dinner was an easy meal. I made Bear Creek Vegetable Beef soup and we ate on the front of the boat with the lake as our scenic backdrop. Lovely.

7. Since our "spot" was so pretty, I asked Roxie if she was up for a photo-op. After a few minutes of hesitation because she wasn't sure she wanted to spend the time getting dolled up, she decided it would be a good idea. Our picture-taking time was fun and she was happy with the results... so I was happy with the results!

8. It was getting close to dusk, so Mikie and Austin tried their hands at fishing. There are no pictures of this activity because Austin decided to fish in his pajama pants... and that's all. I'm telling you, if the Faulkner Five were ever shipwrecked on a REAL deserted island, I don't think grooming would ever enter our heads. EVER!

9. As usual, Mikie caught four fish... and Austin caught nothing, but the laid-back vibe of the trip continued and Austin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh, well," before heading back to the boat for a little television time.

10. A thunder/lightning storm made it's way around the lake which was beautiful to see, but it never rained or came to our little part of the world. Although we had cloudy weather off and on, we were very fortunate weather-wise. (If and when a storm does come up, the marina advises all boats to dock.)

Okay. That's Day Three summed up in a neat little list. A more boring list you will probably never read. I am wishing I was on that little island again as I type the post this morning. But, alas. It will be 359 more days until we see Lake Lanier again. Heavy, heavy sigh.

Have a wonderful, wonderful Thursday. I'll be back tomorrow with pros, cons, costs, etc. for you to plan your own Houseboating Adventure if you feel so inclined. I'll also have Weekend Happenings and a few Reminders.

Take care, and I'll talk to you in the morning.


The Enchanting Belinda

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