Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another Fall Harvest Party

Good Wednesday morning!

The Gallery Pics are from some of this week's homecoming activities. It has been a busy week... and it is just going to get busier!

RANDOMNESS #1 - You are NOT going to believe this. Last week (after a volleyball game), someone mentioned going to Niki's West for dinner. I already had dinner ready and waiting at the house. So we headed home.

On the way, we passed the wonderful Niki's West. Mikie made mention of a really, really nice giant RV in the parking lot. (He points these out to me from time to time because it is my dream to own a really, really nice giant RV in the not-so-distant-future.)

I didn't think much about it until the next day. Some of the people from the volleyball game who DID go to Niki's West for dinner ran into... WAIT FOR IT... the Duggars! You know? The people from the show "19 Kids and Counting!" They were eating at Niki's West... without me! Heavy, heavy sigh.

This would have been a HUGE addition to my Famous People I've Met Scrapbook. HUGE. And I missed it.

I told Mikie I'm not cooking on volleyball game nights ever again. And I mean it!

RANDOMNESS #2 - As I mentioned above, this is Homecoming Week. In the past, Austin and Josh have participated in a little of this and a little of that during the week, so I wasn't exactly prepared when Freshman Roxie came in with a three-page memo of EVERYTHING there was to do during Homecoming Week.

Five different dress-up days... working on the homecoming float... bonfire... homecoming parade... pictures before the homecoming game... pictures during the homecoming game... pictures after the homecoming game. And that is just the official list.

The unofficial list includes homecoming dress and shoe shopping... homework (school doesn't stop for homecoming week)... volleyball practices... volleyball games... stress-related breakdowns (just a few).

It is just Wednesday morning, but so far, so good.

Wish me luck for the remainder of the week!

RANDOMNESS #3 - I have noticed the pumpkins are coming! However, I have not had time to photograph the incoming pumpkins because of... HOMECOMING!

I am dedicating next week to anything and everything pumpkin. Be ready for it!

RANDOMNESS #4 - My friend, Cam, and I have started going to Body Pump again. Believe it or not, when you stop going to Body Pump for three months to take a little break, it isn't easier starting up again. In fact, your body AND your mind totally rebel.

But we're going again today, because we are lean and mean Body Pump machines! And we love exercise! And we laugh in the face of severe muscle pain.

And all of the above is a big fat LIE... except for the part where we are going again!

Wednesday Wisdom - I've done it before... and I'll probably do it again! Here are MORE quotes about Autumn!

"Oh, how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin.... We anxiously anticipate it every year." Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer

"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days." John Burroughs (I'm not sure why... But I LOVE this quote.)

Another Fall Harvest Party

I have posted Fall Party ideas in the past (see the October archives at, but I found a party with some new and fun ideas if you want to host this party for you and yours!

Fall Harvest Party Invitations

Send out pumpkin or leaf pictures with the party information, or if you are going to hand deliver, paint (or use black permanent ink) the information on tiny pumpkins. You could have the party girl or boy find enough large, live leaves to write the info on and mail them!

Fall Harvest Party Game Ideas

Purchase small pumpkins and let each guest paint their own pumpkin (or use construction paper pumpkins for younger kids).

Make Fall beaded necklaces. You can buy bead kits from Oriental Trading at a great price that have enough beads for eight or more children to make a necklace, bracelet or key chain.

Make a Bean Bag Toss game. Draw a large pumpkin and glue onto a cardboard box. Cut out the mouth and have children toss bean bags trying to hit the hole.

Make a Ring the Pumpkin Game. Line up three large pumpkins WITH stems to form a ring toss. Use embroidery hoops or make hoops with rope and duct tape. Mark a throwing line on the floor and take turns trying to ring a pumpkin stem. Use stickers or small prizes for rewards whether they make it or not.

NOTE - You can have them try to ring an entire large pumpkin with a hula hoop.

Play Musical Bales of Hay. Instead of playing Musical Chairs, play Musical Bales of Hay. A scarecrow in the center makes a fun decoration for this game.

Make a Turkey in the Straw Game. Fill a small blowup pool with loose straw and hide a small plastic turkey. See who can find it first!

End the party sitting on blankets enjoying the nice, cool fall air. Have juice boxes, apples and pumpkin sugar cookies as a snack.

While the children are winding down from all the fun, don't forget to read aloud The Pumpkin Patch Parable by Liz Curtis Higgs.

End all of your parties with a prayer. ALWAYS, ALWAYS thank God for each and every child present at the party.

I love the last page of The Pumpkin Parable...

"All the neighbors knew that, once again, the Farmer had turned a simple pumpkin into a glorious sight.

"In the same way, God the Father offers His children the chance to be made new, full of joy and full of light, shining like stars in a dark world."

"If anyone belongs to Christ, then he is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

A simple, easy Christ-centered fall party... What could be better?

Have a wonderful, wacky Wednesday. I'll be back Thursday with Blog Linkage (TONS), a date, Randomness, more pics, etc., etc.

Take care, and I'll talk to you in the morning.


The Enchanting Belinda

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