RANDOMNESS #1 - Just a Few More Musings Regarding THE BIG FALL of
2017 - If you don't understand the caption, you will need to read the post prior to this one. Reading it will bring you up to speed on the goings-on in my simple, little ol' life.
1. As of yesterday morning, my right knee and elbow were both still hurting EXACTLY as much as they did moments after "The Big Fall."
I kid you not.
2. On the way to the car after "The Big Fall," I asked Roxie, "You know I didn't fall because I'm old, right? You know I walked up into my flowy pants."
"Uh, yes, Mom. I don't think one is better than the other."
Good point.
Good point, indeed.
3. I am now officially a hero in my two year-old granddaughter's eyes...
Because I have to wear SEVEN Bandaids at all times.
It's a two year-old's dream, I tell you.
That is all. As of today (or sometime next week), I plan to move on from The Big Fall and rarely, if ever, mention it again.
RANDOMNESS #2 - An Elderly Person Bought Me a Starbucks - The Chick was home last week getting ready for her big move to Auburn, and we were in the drive-thru at our local Starbucks getting our beverages of choice.
When I pulled up to pay, the young lady working there leaned out of the window and told me the car in front of me had paid our tab.
"Oh... My... Goodness! That is the first time anyone has ever paid for my food or drink! I am so excited! Do you know who it was?" I asked.
The worker replied, "No. He said he was from Tennessee, and he wanted to pay."
"Isn't that exciting?" I asked Roxie, as we drove away. "I mean, you think it is going to be just another ordinary day, and out of nowhere, BAM! A stranger pays for your Starbucks!"
Roxie calmly responded, "It's very nice, Mom. I saw him, you know. He was an elderly man."
"Oh, about your and Dad's age, I guess."
Well, as you can imagine, that took all the fun out of receiving a free Tall Vanilla Ice Frappuccino. I think I would rather pay than be called "elderly" at this particular point in my life.
You know how some people say, "Kids keep you young."
I'm here to tell you that is false, false, false.
Especially the third kid. The third kid is the one that throws around words like "old" and "decrepit."
And "elderly."
Heavy, heavy sigh.
RANDOMNESS #3 - Moving Roxie - After the above happened, we quickly moved Roxie out of the house and into her new digs in Auburn.
Not really.
It took the same amount of time as the last two years, and I am missing her greatly as I type this post...
Even after she indicated I might be "elderly."
This year, it took the back of a truck, the back of a car and a trailer to get her stuff from The Dale to Auburn.
And the three of us did just fine.
Roxie is living in a house with her three roommates from last year, plus another good friend of hers.
If you're doing the math, that is Five Chicks in one house.
Pictured above are AC, Ellie and Roxie.
Nat and Emma will be in other future pics...
Of that, I am certain.
Let the fun ensue!
Would a truly elderly person use the word "ensue"?
I think not!
RANDOMNESS #4 - Tuesdays with Judith - Since we had moved Roxie over the weekend, I REALLY, REALLY needed Judith on Tuesday to help take my mind off things.
She did not disappoint.
As we were waving good-bye to Pop Tuesday morning, a big truck with a big trailer behind it and a big Stump Removal Machine on the trailer, pulled up in front of our house.
Here's a little history for you.
On Monday, men came and tore down our deck AND our giant magnolia tree.
We're getting a new screened-in deck.
So I expected the Stump Removal Guy sometime during the week, but since it was supposed to steadily rain all Tuesday morning and part of the afternoon, I was not expecting him right then.
Judith was mesmerized, and I saw an opportunity for some big-time two year-old fun.
A towel, Judith and 20 or so of her favorite plastic animals (added after the pic was taken) sitting in front of the door/window in my bedroom, proved very entertaining.
For almost an entire hour, she just sat there and watched as he sprayed the house with mud and removed the giant stump and roots.
She was extremely sad to see him leave.
I was extremely sad to see him leave this behind, but something better will be here soon.
Please say I'm right!
Still raining, Judith and I read a large stack of books, and as is her custom, after I read them to her, she took them to the other couch and read them back to me.
She has a lot of inflection in her voice.
She makes the story really dramatic, which isn't always easy to do when you're reading about counting farm animals.
I can tell she's going to be a good Momma someday.
After the reading of the books, it was still raining.
No thunder.
No lightning.
Just rain.
"We're going puddle jumping," I announced.
She just looked at me, and as we changed from pajamas to puddle-jumping clothes, I told her about the giant puddle her Daddy, Uncle Austin and Aunt Ro used to play in when they were little.
It took her about two seconds to decide puddle jumping was the funnest thing ever!
And I know "funnest" isn't necessarily a real word.
But it kinda fits.
Then I took her to THE puddle her Daddy played in once upon a time...
And she played and played and played.
We both declared this particular Tuesday "exceptional" in every way!
RANDOMNESS #5 - Visiting with RT- RT is ready to play with big boy toys now. Seven month-old toys, if you will.
So I pulled out Hank, the Pink Elephant...
Hank, not so very long ago, was Emma, the Pink Elephant, and played with his cousin, Judith.
The initial introduction went very well, I thought.
But then it turned into a wrestling match.
A wrestling match Hank was unable to win.
Time and time again.
Boys and their pink elephants!
Blog Linkage - The ultimate Summer Bucket List can be found at www.kellehampton.come. Go NOW and read her post entitled, "About That Summer Bucket List." It will blow your mind!
Pinterest Stuff
Back-to-School Traditions
NOTE FROM ENCHANTING BELINDA - I love all of these ideas. They do not have to be done at any specific time during the back-to-school week to be totally effective. In fact, many of them would be good for the weekend or week after the hectic first week.
1. We read them a letter that my husband and I wrote to them. It teaches four values we felt were important to remember while at school. When they go to Kindergarten, we give them a few charms (on a keychain that is now on their backpacks) to help them remember the important points. Each year, we read the letter and have them pull out their charms. I found all of my charms at Hobby Lobby.
Be Kind and Help Others (Smiley Face Charm) - Do all you can to make others happy. If you see someone who is sad, help them. If someone is being teased, be their friend. Make others laugh. Care about them.
Learn (Book Charm) - The reason you are at school is to learn and progress academically. Focus and take advantage of the education that is being offered. Do your very best.
Be Tough and Brave (Prayer Charm) - There will be lots of hard things that you have to do at school. Some will be scary. Pray to God for help when those scary times happen.
ANOTHER NOTE FROM ENCHANTING BELINDA - If you do the above, be sure and add a verse when talking about each charm. Over the years, those will be memorized verses.
2. Weigh and measure each kid and mark their heights in the garage.
3. A visit from “The Magic School Bus” is a great way to get the little kids excited about a new school year! Imagine your child’s surprise when they answer a knock on the door to find a bag FULL of back-to-school supplies/goodies.
4. Add a little excitement by sending your kids on a Back-to-School Scavenger Hunt in search of their new school supplies. You have to buy them anyway, so why not turn it into a fun game?
5. The first day of school can be a hard one for Mom (especially if you’re dropping off a Kindergartner for the first time). Why not host a “Boo Hoo Breakfast” for all your mom friends and get together for breakfast after the school drop-off. Whether you’re crying tears of sadness or joy, every Mom is sure to appreciate some time together to eat and chat!
6. Begin having "School Prayer" in the car on the way to drop off your kiddos. It may seem like the years you spend dropping off kids in front of the school or waiting to pick them up in the carpool line will never end, but one day that part of your life will be over. Just think of all the personal prayers you will have prayed over your children before dropping them off at school for the day. Build, build, build that spiritual foundation!
Have a great weekend. I'll be back soon with some more pics, more stories and more ideas and recipes.
The Enchanting Belinda
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