RANDOMNESS #1 - Mrs. Faulkner's Birthday - Mrs. Faulkner had a birthday a few days ago, and we all went to Oxford to celebrate with her.
Grandma and RT.
Lauren is "mother" to all of the younger cousins.
She has the answers to all of their questions, and she can herd them from here to there pretty well, too.
Judith is about five months older than Micah, so they are starting to play together at these family functions.
In this particular picture, Micah is not playing by Judith's rules.
And Judith is not at all pleased.
Where is Mother Lauren when you need her?
Aunt Courtney and RT.
After we left the party, we took Courtney and Judith to one of our favorite places "along the way."
Coldwater Creek is exactly what it says it is. A very cold water creek.
On hot, summer days, many families can be found dipping their feet and wading to cool off.
April may have been a little early to dip Judith's feet for the very first time.
August may be a little too early, too.
Dipping and wading is not her "thang."
RANDOMNESS #2 - Tuesdays with Judith - On this particular Tuesday, park-hopping was on our list of fun things to do.
A little pre-park-hopping-rocking was in order while Nana B finished getting everything ready.
I call this one, "BIG HAIR, DON'T CARE!"
The only way she can keep these glasses up is to wear them off to the side.
It isn't for me, but she definitely pulls it off.
I don't know who had more fun...
Or Judith.
Maybe it was a tie.
RANDOMNESS #3 - Keeping RT - As luck would have it, I was able to keep RT for an entire day last Friday.
It made both of us extremely happy.
This didn't happen until his Daddy came to pick him up and take him away.
If you have ever wondered, this is exactly what a broken heart looks like.
RANDOMNESS #4 - Early Easter - Sometimes when you celebrate Easter a week early...
Your new dining room table and chairs do not come in on time.
The perfect china for card tables and plastic table cloths is most definitely bright, colorful and disposable.
Every family present received an Easter Bucket with a little of this and a little of that for each family member.
Josh and Austin both received Rick Burgess' new book.
RT sat in the seat of honor on top of the table...
And he behaved beautifully.
Courtney made chocolate-covered, caramel-drizzled, crushed M & M sprinkled apple slices.
Melia contributed a delicious lemon-lime pound cake.
Aunt Melia read the Parable of the Easter Lily for our Easter story time.
Judith was totally engaged for the first five pages, and then she went AWOL.
And RT basically just passed out!
This is what reconnecting siblings look like.
Judith had a special Easter art project and she did a fabulous job...
Until Uncle Austin...
And Mommy decided to give it a try, too.
Then it was Cousin Time!
Don't ask.
And once again, someone upset Little Man by taking him away from Nana B.
Will they never learn?
Quotable Quotes
"I like having conversations with kids. Grown-ups never ask me what my third favorite reptile is." Simon Cholland
This one is SO true.
Pinterest Stuff
Adam and Eve Apple Stacker
Give each team 5 apples and have them do their best to stack them. The team with the most apples stacked in one minute wins.
NOTE - You could also have a person from each team eat an apple and the person who eats most of the apple in a minute wins.
Noah's Ark Animal Drop
For this one you will need 2 jars and a bunch of plastic animals.
Tape a picture of Noah's Ark to the outside of each jar.
Have each person put the jar beside their feet.
While standing very straight and tall, each person tries to drop an animal into the jar from their nose. The team with the most animals in the jar at the end of one minute wins.
Issac the Shepherd Gathers the Sheep
For this you will need 2 straws, 40 marshmallows and two plates.
Each person will have one minute to get 20 marshmallows (sheep) onto the plate (the pen) with the straw.
Word of God Peanut Butter
Luke 4:4 - "And Jesus answered him saying, 'It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'"
For this challenge, smear peanut butter onto a piece of bread. Place it at the end of the table.
Each team has to bounce a ping pong ball across the table and get it to stick to the peanut butter. At the end of a minute, the team with the most ping pong balls on the peanut butter bread wins.
Stormy Seas Balloon Blowing
Mark 4:37 - "And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full."
Fold a boat out of paper. Each team places their boat on the edge of the table.
They use a large untied balloon to try to blow their boat across the table. Use the air in the balloon to push the boat.
If the balloon runs out of air, the team member has to blow it back up. The team that gets their boat the furthest at the end of a minute (without blowing it off the table) wins.
Easter Story Snack Mix
Pretzels – The cross. “He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross.” Colossians 2:14 (NLT)
Craisins – Jesus’ blood. “He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.” Ephesians 1:7 (NLT)
Ritz Cracker - The stone that was rolled away! “They found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance.” Luke 24:2 (NLT)
White Jellybean or Mini Marshmallow – Our sins are washed away. “But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.” 1 John 1:9 (NLT)
Goldfish – Be fishers of men. “Jesus called out to them, 'Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!'” Matthew 4:19 (NLT)
Sweet Treat – He is risen! “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” Psalm 34:8
Put everything into a large plastic Easter egg and hide the eggs. Tell the kids when they find an egg, come back to a specific place and wait until everyone has returned.
Sitting in a circle, have everyone open their egg and eat each snack piece (ONE AT A TIME and IN ORDER) while reading the verse and/or talking about what that particular snack piece means in the Story of Easter.
Have a great week! I'll be back soon with more, more, more.
The Enchanting Belinda
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