RANDOMNESS #1 - As is becoming our custom, Judith spent the night Monday night and fun was had by all.
Well, at least Nana B and Pop.
Judith is 20 months old now, and I am a firm believer in the adage, "You're never too young for Autumnal Training."
You've heard of that before, haven't you?
Autumnal Training?
I thought so.
The Autumnal Training Class 101 went very well, and she's already ready for Acorn Gathering, Cold Cider Sippin' and Squirrel Chasing.
Once we pass those classes with flying colors (and we most certainly will), guess what will be next?
That's right!
Baby Punkin Chunkin', Pile of Leaf Jumping and Candy Corn Consumption.
Things are about to get pretty wonderful over here!
And to make things even better last Tuesday, Grandmother came over and read some books to Judith after she finished her refrigerator collage.
Except for three really, really bad patterns going on in such a limited amount of space, I kinda like this pic.
Pinterest Stuff
Object Lesson - Be Slow to Anger
1. You’ll need two large bowls filled with water, dishwashing liquid and a straw for each person.
2. Form two groups. Designate one group as Group 1 and the other group as Group 2. Give each person a straw.
3. Say, "Let's pretend this dishwashing liquid is 'anger.' I’m dropping one drop of anger in each bowl. Group 1, blow as quickly as you can to produce lots of bubbles. Group 2, blow as slowly as you can to produce the least number of bubbles."
4. Continue the game until bubbles are about to overflow the “quick-blowing” bowl. Exchange groups and repeat the game.
5. Read aloud James 1:19.
6. Ask, "What happened when you blew quickly? How was that bowl like or unlike someone who is quick to anger? What happened when you blew slowly? How is that like or unlike someone who is slow to anger? What happens when we quickly lose our tempers? What makes you angry? What helps you keep from getting angry quickly?"
After the conversation, read James 1:19 aloud one more time, and close with a prayer.
Simple, yet effective!
More Fall Bucket List Items
1. Make apple cider
2. Visit a corn maze
3. Go apple picking
4. Play backyard football
5. Roast marshmallows
6. Read outside
7. Host a bonfire
8. Visit a farm
9. Bake a pie
10. Go horse back riding
11. DIY a front door wreath
12. Have a picnic in the park
13. Rake leaves for a neighbor
14. Eat candy corn
15. Try a new pumpkin recipe
16. Volunteer at a food pantry
17. Make a caramel smoothie
18. DIY fleece blankets
19. Make a pumpkin dip
20. Stuff a scarecrow
21. Go backyard camping
22. Try a new flavor of coffee
23. Visit a state fair
Have a great weekend. I'll be talking to you soon.
The Enchanting Belinda
P.S. Here a few pics from last year's Pumpkin Party with Judith and her sweet cousin, Sarah Grace.
Plans are being made for the 2016 EVENT! I simply cannot wait!
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