Since I missed my Friday deadline (wedding stuff), I thought I would leave a short little something for the week ahead.
And when I say "short," I mean SHORT!
MISCELLANEOUS #1 - Pastor Kevin preached a sermon this morning about choosing a Watchword for 2016.
A few weeks ago, I thought I had picked my Watchword for 2016, but I was obviously mistaken because last weekend I was talking to The Chick and somehow the word "victory" entered the conversation.
And after much thought and "hmmmmm-ing," my 2016 Watchword changed to "victorious."
And after today's sermon, it became official.
My 2016 Watchword is VICTORIOUS.
It fits me for a number of reasons.
In the year 2016, I want to finally be victorious over guilt.
Victorious over self-loathing.
And victorious over all insecurities.
And guess what else?
I have an actual verse to go with it!
"For whatever is born of God overcomes to world, and this is the victory that has overcome the world -- our faith. And who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:4-5
How about that?
And since it took me two whole months of 2016 to find my word, I'm going to keep my eyes open NOW for my 2017 word.
MISCELLANEOUS #2 - Through the years, I have taken my fair share of pictures.
I am not a professional photographer, but I play one over at my house!
Not a professional AT ALL.
However, I practice two simple photography rules which have worked well for me...
1. For every 200 pictures taken, at least one or two of them will be very good.
But very good.
2. Stay away from sun spots.
That's pretty much all I know about taking pics.
Sad, but true.
Judith was at the house all day Saturday and the sun was pouring in the windows.
And I took 200 or more pics.
And I decided I liked two of them very, very much.
Sun spots really work well with the one-and-under crowd.
At least, in my professional "at home" opinion they do!
It's wedding week at my house. Courtney and Josh will be getting married this coming Saturday evening.
Lots to do and many pictures to take.
Hopefully, I will have one or two to share with you the next time I post!
Have a great week!
The Enchanting Belinda
She has the sweetest little lips. Precious baby cheeks, too.