Good Thursday morning!
I'm posting more pics of my fishing date with Mikie today. Mostly nature shots, but I still like them!
My favorite fisherman, Mikie. I LOVE the gray hair. Love it!
Believe it or not, this is the ideal place to fish. However, it is not the ideal place to NOT get "snagged." My lure only snagged three times during the whole trip... and Mikie only had to help me once.
At one point, my lure snagged in a limb ABOVE the water. Mikie told me to lean to the right, and sharply tug the rod three times.
On the third tug, my lure came FLYING out of the limb and whizzed past my left ear.
"Hey! The lure almost hit me in the head!" I yelled.
"Hey! That's why I told you to lean to the right," Mikie replied.
I'm thankful I am an excellent rule follower.
After the limbs and trees have been in the water for a while, they take on a ghostly appearance. This is fine in bright daylight... kinda spooky when the sun goes down.
RANDOMNESS #1 - With three kids ranging in age from 15 to 21, there are still "firsts," but they don't come as fast and furious as they once did. (First tooth, first step, first day of kindergarten, etc., etc., etc.) In fact, the "lasts" in life seem to come much more quickly now. (Last choir concert, last AP test, last week of high school, etc., etc., etc.)
But tonight will be a FIRST! Yea! I LOVE FIRSTS!
Roxie will be playing on the Freshman Powder Puff Football Team against the Senior girls tonight. It is an annual tradition at our school, but since I've never had a chick in high school until this year (another first), I've never attended a game.
I've seen Roxie play football with The Brothers. She's not afraid of being hit or hitting. She's not afraid to tackle or be tackled. She's not afraid to slam the football down in the end zone and perform a four-minute victory dance. (To me, that's the best part! I actually understand what's going on.)
But tonight, she'll be wearing a bright orange t-shirt and playing with other chicks. She will not be hitting or tackling because the rules are very specific. FLAG football.
I do hope she gets a chance to perform her touchdown victory dance though. It is a sight to behold!
RANDOMNESS #2 - Kelle went camping at Of course, I love her pictures... and the way she describes the camping experience.
"I like camping. I like the dust clouds and the cricket sounds and the way the sun seeps through thin tent nylon early in the morning, begging you to wake up. I like rusty old Coleman grills and husbands who know how to use them. I like the sound of tents unzipping, the sign of bright flashlight circles against the black night sky, the taste of a well-roasted marshmallow. And finally, I like returning home, after all the work of tearing down tents and cramming things back into the five drawers of the camping dresser, to review details of the trip like a wrap-up meeting."
As always, she kinda sums it up!
RANDOMNESS #3 - I was listening to Rick and Bubba this morning, and they were taking a poll of what mothers REALLY want for Mother's Day. The overwhelming response was "a day without kids and responsibility." A "me, me, me" day! I had two or three of these when the kids were smaller. Mike would take them with him to visit his Mom, and I would have several hours totally to myself. At that time (toddler/preschool/elementary years), it was not normal to have the house to myself for any length of time. It was a heavenly gift. Heavenly, I tell you!
Since the kids are older (and getting older every day), a few years ago, we set Mother's Day in stone.
We visit my Mom and Mike's Mom during Mother's Day Weekend, sometimes both on Sunday. However, MY Mother's Day is scheduled for the next week, and Mike and the kids take me out... leisurely. This year we're going out to eat and then to see The Avengers. I cannot wait!
And they always give me the same gift. Three beautiful hanging baskets for my front porch. It's what I want. It doesn't make them nervous trying to figure out what to buy me. They know I will ALWAYS love my gift.
NOTE - We started doing the same thing every year for Father's Day, too. We take Mike to Dreamland Barbecue for dinner, and then we plan an activity (movie, Bass Pro Shop, bowling, etc., etc.).
For our family, this works.
Blog Linkage - Read and learn. Blog hopping is not a waste of time as long as you learn something! (I read that somewhere... on a blog, I think.)
1. Go to Six Sisters' Stuff under My Blog List. Stay there awhile. Absorb all their goodness.
2. Go to Nesting Place under My Blog List. Read the last three or four posts. The Nester is in Tanzania with Compassion, Inc. blogging about her experiences there. Beautifully written posts.
3. Lastly, go to BooMama under My Blog List and read today's post entitled "The Needing." Eloquent and timely and true.
Movie Dates
I want you to go to The Dating Divas (right now) and read today's post, "Princess Bride Date Ideas."
If Princess Bride isn't your type of movie, don't worry. Click on April 2012 under Archives on their sidebar and scroll through. There are two movie dates in April, one in February, etc. It only takes a few minutes to scroll through several months of dates to find a movie date which will suit you and yours.
Not only is it inexpensive, but they give you dinner ideas, game ideas, snack ideas, etc. to go with the movie you're watching.
I'm a movie person, so this kind of date really appeals to me. I naturally assumed it would appeal to you, too.
Even though the Rave Motion Pictures' Free Summer Movie Fest doesn't begin until May 31, I thought you might want to go ahead and write it on your summer "to-do" list... in pen. You can take all the kiddos at once, or pick and choose a movie per child for a great, inexpensive one-on-one date.
Hoover Patton Creek Rave
Every Tuesday and Wednesday beginning May 31 through July 20
May 31 and June 1 - Megamind
June 7 and 8 - Yogi Bear
June 14 and 15 - Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Really fun movie.)
June 21 and 22 - Marmaduke
June 28 and 29 - Romona and Beezus
July 5 and 6 - Percy Jackson & the Ligthning Thief (Another great movie.)
July 12 and 13 - Chronicles of Narnia (Do I have to endorse this one? I didn't think so!)
July 19 and 20 - Gulliver's Travels with Jack Black
Always call first to make sure nothing has changed before you leave the house (987-1581).
I'll be listing other theaters having free summer movies in the days to come. Watch for it!
NOTE - How many dates have you had with your mate this month? No pressure. Just remember May is Date Your Mate Month. This weekend is super busy with Mother's Day "stuff," so I don't foresee a date with Mikie in the next three or so days, but maybe we can squeeze in a couple more next week.
Have a tremendous Thursday. It's a beautiful day in the South... but isn't it always! I'll be back tomorrow with a lot of Weekend Happenings, Randomness and a few of My Favorite Things. (I know. Very Oprah-ish.)
Take care, and I'll talk to you in the morning.
The Enchanting Belinda
P.S. I forgot to post a choir concert picture from Tuesday's concert. Dr. Brown, Vice-Principal Extraordinaire, has a beautiful singing voice. Beautiful! Last year, he surprised the audience by walking on stage during one of the choir numbers and joining in. It was great!
We always hope he'll make an appearance at the concerts, but this past season he was nowhere to be found. Until Tuesday night.
He walked on stage during the middle of Lean on Me... and the crowd went wild! Wild, I tell you!
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